
If you would like to pray or have a prayer request you can find information below.

When the disciples saw the life of JESUS they asked him, “teach us to pray”. Part of growing to know Jesus better is learning to pray more like him. We hope that this page will help you to pray. We also encourage you to send in your requests for prayer, whether you belong to a church or not. You might want others to pray for you or someone else – we promise to do that.

God is asking us to pray and it doesn’t matter how we pray. We may use formal prayers, our own thoughts and words…. or simply and silently, not knowing how to express ourselves. God calls us to come; to honestly bring ourselves, our concerns and our requests.

During the season of #doyouknowHim? there are particular prayer events at breakfast, lunch and in the evenings spread across the weeks. We also encourage you to gather in twos and threes; small groups within your church or simply as fellow Christians with a burden for your town and area. Pray in your homes, walking the streets, in church services and at other times.

It is true that prayer holds many mysteries and challenges. Nevertheless, Jesus said this:
John 16:24 “This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!